After a web site is created it must be placed on an Internet-connected server that uses high-speed, wide bandwidth paths to the Internet backbone - the main information superhighway required to make pages available to all computers around the world that would access them. Virtual hosting refers to the server on which a web site resides, and which makes that web site accessible to all Internet-connected computers everywhere. CobraGraphics provides virtual hosting services for its clients, including setting up domain names (, virtual servers, e-mail servers and file transfer protocol (ftp) connections for uploading to and downloading from the virtual server to the local computer where modifications to the web site will periodically occur. Those modifications may come from the client's computer, from CobraGraphics' computers, or from both, according the agreements between CobraGraphics and its clients, as well as the client's knowledge about modifying web code and his or her desire to undertake that task. Client web sites reside on SGI 2000-series, UNIX-based servers with multiple redundant T-3 connections directly to the Internet backbone for fast and reliable performance in displaying web sites upon request from global visitors. Servers are connected through Cisco routers and switches from Telco-rated buildings that are specifically designed for handling high volume telephone line transmissions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Client source code, image files and protocols are routinely backed up for easy restoration in the event of a major power failure, hard drive failure or other catastrophic occurrence that takes down a web site's availability to the Internet backbone. Client cost for virtual hosting services begins at just $260.00 per year, with a one-time setup fee of $50.00. Annual services costs may escalate for very high volume traffic web sites that receive large numbers of monthly visits, though most small businesses and many medium-sized businesses will never incur higher costs. Our rates include search engine optimization services to maximize your web presence and increase traffic volume to bring you more business. All clients not already having their domain name registrations will incur an initial cost of $70.00 for the first two (2) years, then recurring costs of $35.00 per year thereafter for as long as the domain name remains active. |
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