Tom Taylor began canoeing on the rivers near his hometown of Falls Church, Virginia and continued paddling on rivers in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and other places after moving to Texas for his government job. He currently serves as the Environmental Committee Chairman of Dallas Downriver Club and is active in river cleanup activities all over Texas and beyond. In fact, every paddle trip is one he sees as an opportunity to make a difference by picking up litter left behind by others.
Tom is a former firefighter and EMT with the Falls Church Fire Department. He is swiftwater rescue certified. He always carries a major First Aid kit and other emergency medical appurtenances which we hope he never has to use.
Tom is an avid flatwater and whitewater paddler whose credentials include many wilderness expeditions on the Rio Grande, Devils, Colorado, Buffalo, Green, Main Salmon, Guadalupe, San Marcos, Mountain Fork, Kiamichi, Illinois, Current and other rivers of the United States. He has guided with Canoeman River Guide Services since 2005, and in addition to his services as a guide and EMT he also is an excellent camp chef specializing in Dutch oven cooking. He typically logs over 500 miles of rivers per year, most of which are paddled while standing.